First entry


Well, I decided to create this blog with two main objectives in mind:

  • to write about how I feel about the things that are happening to me day by day
  • to keep track of habits I want to maintain

The main reason I felt it necessary to do these two things is that I've been feeling down about my recent way of life. I stopped doing things I enjoy, such as reading books, going to the gym, 3D modeling, learning to program video games, drawing, and going for walks.

I believe this blog will be useful for me to keep a record and maintain daily awareness of my actions. This way, I can correct behaviors that steer me away from the path I want to follow in my life—progressing academically, financially, and in terms of mental health and social life.

I'm excited about this blog as a means to keep things in check and add a bit of order to my life. By sharing my day-to-day experiences, thoughts, and goals, I aim to rediscover the joy in activities like reading, hitting the gym, crafting 3D models, coding video games, sketching, and simply going for walks. It's my compass guiding me back to a more balanced routine and helping me connect with what matters most to me—be it my studies, finances, well-being, or simply hanging out with friends